Day 2: St Louis Children's Hospital Therapy Intensive


Kellan Julal (00:27):

Welcome to this episode of the Raising Kellan Podcast. Hey, hey guys! Welcome back today I have my mom and Drake Box with us.

Marsh Naidoo (00:38):

What was your favorite part about therapy today? What did you enjoy doing?

Kellan Julal (00:42):

Playing. I go on play tomorrow too.

Marsh Naidoo (00:45):

Who was your therapist today?

Kellan Julal (00:47):

Miss Tori.

Marsh Naidoo (00:49):

Miss Tori

Kellan Julal (00:51):


Marsh Naidoo (00:51):

Becca, and Miss Becca.

Drake Box (00:53):

Welcome back guys Day too of Kellan week of intensive therapy here in St. Louis. So Marsh, I'm gonna ask you a few questions and I just want you to tell me what you thought about today. What did you see that was different in kin's therapy today that you didn't see yesterday?

Marsh Naidoo (01:08):

So today's session was pretty cool. We got to try out a new piece of equipment. It's a Ben Trunk support, which basically is like a weight suit which K puts on, and that gives him more control of his body and gives him more support so that he was able to work better with his crutches on different types of surfaces. We also got to do some handwriting with Ms. Tori, his OT on how to form his letters.

Drake Box (01:36):

That's very interesting. Did you ever realize how the simplest tasks for somebody like Kellan and people with a more severe case of cerebral palsy can seem so large and other people might take advantage of the fact of being able to write their own name neatly and nicely? Whenever Kellan can write a good two or three letters, that's a big step for him and that shows a lot of progress with his therapy. That's something to keep in mind for parents that have the kids with disability, is everything that they do is a large step to their, not necessarily recovery but treatment to have a more independent lifestyle. One thing that I did today, since I was not able to come back to therapy, which was kind of a bummer, but I made the most of it. I got to I guess you could say, explore around St.


Louis Children's Hospital and just see the different levels and the different floors and how they were built and laid out. And I went by the gift shop and snooped around a little bit and picked up a couple of things. I'm sure we'll talk about that later. But it was very interesting to watch all the kids just walk around and see all the smiles on their faces. Not just the kids but the staff. Everybody's really friendly and very open and I feel like that's very important for not just the hospital staff but a children's hospital staff because young children don't realize that they're not supposed to be there all the time,

Marsh Naidoo (02:57):

And waking up. What was unusual,

Drake Box (03:00):

Oh, I got up at 20 minutes before we were supposed to leave this morning, I was awoken by a frantic voice and realized it was Marsh telling me we had 20 minutes to leave. But I wasn't worried because I grew up in a household with four women, so I had to learn how to use my bathroom time wisely. And when I say bathroom time, I mean the ability to use the mirror and the bathroom utensils to get ready in the morning. So I got ready in a good five to 10 minutes and I flew down the steps and we had breakfast and we were able to make it out on time on a pretty good schedule. But it's interesting, we were sitting at the table talking about it and she goes, You had to rush to use the bathroom. I'm like, Yeah, I had four women. They take an hour each. So we had to get up really early and not mess around, not joke around and get our stuff and get out the house.

Marsh Naidoo (03:48):

The other thing that went on today during the three-hour therapy session was that everything Helen used, I mean that was wiped down and everyone just seemed to be ready on top of wiping surfaces down with Lysol and the hospital cafeteria is often a place where we can go to grab a snack during lunch and you are basically served by the person behind the counter serving your food to you. And now we are back home getting our rest so we can get all fueled up for another day of hard work tomorrow. I'm gonna go upstair, you see what I mean? We need to go on rest to get ready for tomorrow sessions.

Drake Box (04:29):

This is Drake Box signing off and hopefully we'll see you guys tomorrow, same time. Be here and we will come at you with another update with something probably a lot more interesting as the day before and the day before. Y'all have a great day.


Day 3: St Louis Children's Hospital Therapy Intensive.


Day 1: St Louis Children's Hospital Therapy Intensive