The Holidays: Friends, Family and Faith.

Sandra Pruitt exemplifies a servant leader heart. This gracious Lady is married to Mr Robert Pruitt.  She is a retired nurse, and heads the local branch of the Salvation Army. Ms Sandra works tirelessly with her Board of volunteer members to manage this non profit organization and serve the of citizens of Dyer County.

I must admit my knowledge of the Salvation Army was limited to the social service programs it runs: the soup kitchen; the thrift store; and the assistance it gives to families in times of crisis.

What is the Salvation Army? It is a charitable organization and evangelical church founded by William and Catherine Booth in the London's East End in 1865. It spread to the United States 120 years ago and is in 130 countries worldwide. "It mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination" You can read more about the "Army of Compassion" at


This year I reflect on "What the holidays mean to me?"  The  answer is simple:  friends, family and faith.  There is much to be grateful for and I pledge Ring the Bell.   If you would like to volunteer please call Ms Sandra at (731)334 2158



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